Monday, May 16, 2011

Graduation and the inevitable unemployment that follows

Just a couple of weeks after my last post a glorious and momentous occasion occurred, I graduated from college with a Bachelor's in Chemical Engineering.  For years and years I worked hard to achieve this goal which would instantly lead me on to a better and prosperous life.  In the future I'm sure that those things will follow, but the immediate impact has been more like nothing ever happened.  Why is that you may ask, well it turns out that despite having graduated, employment is in no way guaranteed.  It also happens to follow that if you don't have a job, the degree which you just earned doesn't actually make you any money!  Strange, I know, but still true.  Sure enough down the road I will start working a full time job and be rolling in cash as the eligible bachelor that I am, but until that moment I have one large problem staring me down day after day.  It's a simple enough problem, boredom.  For years and years I have always either had a job or was in school, and at many times, both.  However, I am now doing neither of those things and have discovered that I simply don't have enough hobbies to fill the time.  I had always been under the impression that while not having a job would be fairly terrible because of a lack of income, it would at least, if nothing else, be fun.  There's just one gaping hole in that philosophy, I'm the only unemployed one.  All of my other friends are working or taking classes during the summer, and many of them are doing both.  Which simply leads me to numerous days during which I'm home by myself for an overly long amount of time.  Fortunately there seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel and I appear to be nearing a job offer for a company a few hours north of here.  That of course means that I'll be a few hours north of all of my current friends, but hey, if worst comes to worst, there's always the weekends.  Finally I guess the moral of the story here is that the grass isn't actually greener on the other side, it's just a different shade of green.  Being able to enjoy your own brand of green is what's going to make life awesome!